Breaking news, John: The U.S. Senate just passed a $2 trillion financial stimulus package. Now, it moves to the House for a vote and then to President Trump’s desk for signature so it can be rapidly implemented to provide relief to workers, small businesses, and people across the country.

You’re probably wondering: what’s in it?

Here’s what the largest stimulus bill in American history includes:

  • A one-time payment of $1,200 to many people making less than $75,000 a year;
  • A $500 billion loan program for businesses. Unlike the previous stimulus bill being pushed by Republicans, this one ensures every loan will be made public, and businesses controlled by Trump, his administration, Congress members, and their families can’t receive loans;
  • $400 million in election assistance for the states, including increased ability to vote by mail;
  • $425 million to increase access to mental health services;
  • An increase in unemployment insurance of up to $600/week for 4 months, which is in addition to what states already pay as base unemployment salary.

Unfortunately, undocumented and mixed status families were left out of this deal, so we need to continue putting pressure on our leaders to look after these families during this public health crisis.

This bill may not be perfect, but it’s a HUGE improvement compared to what Republicans were trying to pass just days ago: a slush fund for corporations and the wealthiest few with little to no relief for working people. And we achieved it because of the public pressure folks like you put on our leaders and because Democrats held their ground.

We likely would not have seen such a bill pass had we not elected a wave of diverse Democrats in the 2018 election, and it proves why it’s all the more important we continue to work to elect more leaders who will fight for us – especially in challenging times like these – come November.

Despite the pandemic, Voto Latino is working tirelessly via digital organizing to register and engage more Latinx voters than ever before and elect leaders up and down the ballot who will truly represent us. Help us succeed by pitching in $10 or more now:

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En solidaridad,

Sandra Sánchez
Director of Digital Engagement, Voto Latino