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News Analysis
Linda Sarsour Touts Corona Fundraiser for Terror-Tied Org The funds will help the 'people of Gaza' (read: Hamas) Read and Share right-arrow.png
White Supremacists Planning to Weaponize Coronavirus Targeting police, nonwhites and Jews with infected saliva News right-arrow.png
News and Video
NY Brotherhood Activist Vows to Infect Others With Corona ISIS is also directing its sick jihadis to infect infidels Read and Share right-arrow.png
News and Infographic
Deadly Assault as Iranian-Backed Militias Attack US Troops in Iraq See our infographic tracking all attacks in 2020 Read and Share right-arrow.png
Readers Write
Mona Eltahawy and the New Feminist Extremism
“How in God’s name does someone full of hate like her get a platform? Talk about destroying women.”
- C.S.
While US Focuses on Corona, New Bill Threatens to End All Encrypted Apps
“With everyone in lockdown, this is a prime opportunity for the people to be ringing and emailing their members and monitoring what bills are going before the Senate.”
- S.F.

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