Hi John,

Many parents, grandparents and caregivers have told us they're worried and anxious about the changes to our daily lives and how this time will impact children.

So tonight, we're holding a LIVE town hall to give families a toolset and hopefully ease some worries.  

The mental health of our communities is critical during this crisis, and we can help each other by sharing resources and information.

Knowledge is powerful and calming.  

Tonight's panel includes the Chair of the Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences Consortium, a lifelong educator, a board certified child/adolescent psychiatrist and an early education specialist.

How Are the Kids? A Virtual Town Hall
Thursday, March 26th (TONIGHT)

7-8 p.m.

Streamed to Facebook, but also on Zoom

>> Register, Read about the panelists & Submit questions

Questions can be asked in advance or during the LIVE event. Topics will include how to answer questions, how much information we should share and how the coverage of and conversation around COVID-19 can impact trauma/resiliency.

I hope you can join the conversation tonight.  Register here.


*** Stay safe and informed. Did you miss our live chat with State Representative Jennifer Jermaine yesterday? She gave us insightful information about the state's response - testing, masks, funding, timelines etc. Watch the replay here.