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Today is a first for SAM and FDPS: we’re proud to announce our own new podcast! Tune in to our inaugural episode here or below (we are currently on Apple Podcasts and will be on all other options shortly!).

Hosted by various members of the SAM/FDPS team, we are thrilled to be delivering more of the important drug policy news and analysis you crave. You can expect a brief rundown of highlights from the news driving The Drug Report, as well as insightful analysis trending across the field of drug policy.

If you are interested in sponsoring or want to appear as a guest on future episodes, please contact [email protected] for more information.

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Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a health-first approach to marijuana policy. We are professionals working in mental health and public health. We are bipartisan. We are medical doctors, lawmakers, treatment providers, preventionists, teachers, law enforcement officers and others who seek a middle road between incarceration and legalization. Our commonsense, third-way approach to marijuana policy is based on reputable science and sound principles of public health and safety.

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Smart Approaches to Marijuana · 107 S West St. Ste. 757 · Alexandria, VA 22314 · USA