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Monday, February 26 at 7pm ET


You know it. We know it. The filibuster has been weaponized by MAGA Republicans to become one of their strongest weapons in preventing Congress from passing meaningful legislation. It’s long time for the filibuster to go. But what is the smartest, cleanest path to preventing that obstructionism?

Join our own Ezra Levin in a conversation with Sen. Jeff Merkley about his book Filibustered! on Monday, February 26 at 7pm ET/4pm PT to find out.

**Bonus: The first 50 people to submit a question for the conversation will receive a free copy of Merkley’s book Filibustered!**

We have watched Senate Republicans use the filibuster as a conservative shield -- blocking any measure of popular progress from passing through Congress including:

Republicans don’t care about the will of the people. Republicans don’t care about enacting popular and widely impactful policy. They care about maintaining their death-grip on power for themselves and their wealthy donors. 

If we want to move forward, Democrats must reform the filibuster. But how?

Sen. Merkley has long been a champion of filibuster reform, charting a path forward even as it was a less popular position in the Democratic party. His book offers a path forward through looking at the past:

In a compelling and powerfully argued book, Senator Jeff Merkley and his longtime chief of staff tell the insiders’ story of how the Senate used to work and how the filibuster came to cripple the self-styled “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body” with paralyzing gridlock. And they make the surprising case that restoring a modified version of the old-style, talking filibuster may just be our democracy’s path back from the brink.

Join Ezra as he dives into the details of what the filibuster has cost us, where we stand now, and what a future unobstructed by the filibuster could be with Sen. Merkley next Monday, February 26 at 7pm ET/4pm PT.  

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

P.S. Don’t forget to ask a question -- you might get a free book!

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