Both the Green Party of Alameda
County and the Green Party of Santa Clara County have endorsed Jill
Stein. The Santa Clara Green Party writes:
“As a committed Green, Jill
has been a strong voice in growing the Green Party by highlighting the
role of Greens in challenging empire and demanding that our government
serve US, the people, and not the corporations that own our so-called
representatives from the parties of war and Wall
Jill is thrilled to earn the
support of local Green Party organizations. The growth and
strengthening of the Green Party is critical to the breaking up of the
duopoly of war and Wall Street. And we have a historic opportunity in
2024 to grow the Green Party through our grassroots campaign. As Jill
says, "We are a small donor campaign so that we are accountable to the
only people who count here, and that is everyday working people who
are struggling to have a livable future." We don’t
have super PACs. We have super supporters like you. Help us continue the momentum by donating