Biden's senility questioned, media interference during elections, beware of intentional liars, and more...


An “elderly man with a poor memory.”

That line and many others from special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents released on Thursday now hang over his presidency.

From not remembering when he was vice president to forgetting when his term ended to failing to come up with the year his son Beau died, “even within several years,” the report paints a disturbing picture of a man in severe mental decline.



Kurt Schlichter contributor to It’s always nice to have the useless likes of dopey Thom Tillis, smarmy Mitt Romney, and lib-symp John Cornyn lecturing us about how we need to spend endless unaccountable money on Ukraine with no articulated strategic objective, as opposed to defending our own border, and how if we don’t agree we must love Vladimir Putin and blah blah blah blah blah. These guys are totally hard-core opponents of the Russians, which is really butch. I and a lot of the people they are insulting actually served in the Cold War, but somehow we are expected to defer to these guys on Russia? They’re taking a hard line against Vladimir Putin even as they take no line on the border, and they are surprised and offended that their party is rejecting them.

Richard M. Reinsch contributor to Law & Liberty: Hayek finishes his book with the most essential truth: collectivism undermines our dignity as human persons. “Responsibility” must not be “to a superior, but to one’s conscience, the awareness of a duty not exacted by compulsion, […] and to bear the consequences of one’s own decision, [is] the very essence of any morals which deserve the name.” Ever the advocate of the individualist society, Hayek counted its virtues as “independence, self-reliance, the willingness to bear risks, the readiness to back one’s convictions against a majority, and the willingness to voluntary cooperation with one’s neighbors.” We need these virtues today, and the tradition that undergirds them.

Michael Barone political analyst for Washington Examiner: It’s an unstable and dangerous situation when a largely one-party elite looks, with fear and loathing, across what Rasmussen describes as a “Grand Canyon gap” between it and its multiparty fellow citizens. It’s reminiscent somehow of the “let them eat cake” French royalists in 1789 or Russian nobles in 1917. An overclass this disconnected and contemptuous risks disruption.



Running Cover For Biden’s Senility Is The Umpteenth Example Of How Media Interfere In Elections

Media excuses for Biden’s senility aren’t just political favoritism, but an example of controlling what information reaches voters.

In 2020, corporate media blacked out coverage of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop right before the presidential election. After the election, a survey of Joe Biden voters in swing states found that nearly half were unaware of the pay-for-play scandal evidenced by the laptop and nearly 1 in 10 said they would have changed their vote if they had known about it. That’s an election-altering percentage of voters.

Beware Those Who Intentionally Use Words To Lie

The word “liberal” was once considered a compliment. It meant fair, principled, and thoughtful. The Age of Enlightenment was birthed by “classical liberals” with their then-fantastical notions about government by consent of the governed, legal equality of all, and individually owned rights.

Later as ideologies like collectivism and class oppression gained favor among the intelligentsia, the word “liberal” was hijacked and mangled beyond recognition. It was used to describe almost anything from well-meaning do-gooders to hard-bitten class warriors, from big government socialists to tyrants who silence and ostracize their opponents, for the good of society.


The Extremists Behind the Anti-Israel Lawsuit Against Biden

Media coverage of a lawsuit in California against President Joe Biden over his administration’s aid to Israel is leaving out a critical element: The coalition bringing the suit is led by pro-Hamas extremists.

During a hearing before the U.S. District for the Northern District of California, the coalition accused the Biden Administration of violating national and international law with its support for Israel. The individual plaintiffs are arguing that they have standing because they are either living in Gaza or have family members in Gaza who are being negatively impacted by Israel’s military campaign against the Hamas terrorist organization.




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