We've never done this before.
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Emily Randall for Congress

Emily Randall for Congress

We've never done this before, friend — but we wanted to share a memo we just sent to a small group of insiders and reporters.

Please take a few minutes to read our memo, then consider making a donation of any amount to elect Emily Randall →


Thank you,


To: Interested Parties
MEMO: Emily Randall is the Clear Choice for WA-06

This week, Planned Parenthood Action Fund announced their early endorsement of Emily Randall for Congress. 

By weighing in early, Planned Parenthood Action Fund is telling voters that this race matters – and that Emily Randall is the clear choice for Washington's 6th District. Emily Randall is the Deputy Majority Leader in the State Senate, representing the district where she was born and raised and still lives. Emily’s legislative district is entirely contained within WA-06 and makes up nearly one-quarter of the entire Congressional district. 


Planned Parenthood Action Fund's endorsement underscores what voters already know: victory in WA-06 requires a candidate with a proven record of winning highly competitive campaigns. Emily Randall is the only candidate in the WA-06 race who can defend the seat from a right-wing extremist this November. Emily is the only candidate in this race who has run and won in tough races against a legitimate, well-funded Republican. Notably, Emily has won twice in a district that had not elected a Democrat to the state legislature since 2012. Emily flipped her seat red-to-blue and held onto it despite the district’s D+0 status.


Emily is the only battle-tested candidate in this race. As the only candidate who has won elections even when being heavily attacked by Republicans, there will be no late surprises with Emily. In 2018 and 2022, Emily defeated MAGA opponents while enduring the most expensive and aggressive independent expenditure campaigns of any legislative candidate.

Historical election results show Emily out-performed Washington statewide candidates in legislative district 26:

• Emily Randall (2022): 51%
• Gov. Inslee (2020): 50%
• Sec. State candidate Gael Tarleton (2020): 39%
• Treasurer Pellicciotti (2020): 47%

In a year where voters are looking to elect candidates with a proven record of protecting fundamental rights, Emily is the only candidate who is on the record for reproductive freedom. Emily has a legislative record of protecting healthcare access and abortion care – and Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s endorsement sends the strongest message to date about which candidate in the race will protect the right to choose. 


Emily Randall has a track record of concrete policy accomplishments - and voters know it. Emily is a statewide leader on passing legislation protecting the right and access to abortion care despite Republicans’ efforts to ban abortion care nationally; safeguarding our healthcare options when hospitals consolidate; lowering transportation costs for WA-06 residents; and strengthening apprenticeship programs to make sure that folks have access to good union jobs. Emily has delivered results that her constituents can see and feel.

Emily Randall will energize voters. At a time when the most divisive candidate in our lifetimes will be on the ballot for a third time – someone who attacks people of color as radical for pursuing basic rights, who is hellbent on harming LGBTQ+ communities, and who is proud to have dismantled Roe – Democrats will need to make sure we are energizing the electorate to stop these folks in their tracks in November. Emily Randall will not only make history if elected as the first queer Latina ever in Congress and the first LGBTQ+ Congressperson in Washington, but she will also energize voters throughout the district. 


Bottom Line: Bottom line: In this race, the best-qualified candidate, the candidate who can win, and the candidate who will make history both in our state and nationally are all the same person: Emily Randall. 

We're running a people-powered campaign with no Corporate PAC money, so please contribute $16 or any amount to join our campaign as a grassroots donor >>


Maria Oyama Leininger
General Consultant, Emily Randall for Congress





Emily Randall for Congress
P.O. Box 1883
Port Orchard, WA 98366
United States