Our deadline is just hours away.

Hi John, sorry to interrupt your weekend.

Today may be Saturday, but it’s very much a work day here on Team Stein. That’s because we’re only a few hours away from our last public filing deadline before the general election, and we’re all pushing hard to meet our $130,000 online goal.

I checked in with my Finance Director, Anna, a few minutes ago and it looks like we’re close but tracking a little bit short of what we need to raise to hit our target by midnight. But with your help, I’m confident we can get there.

Can I count on you? I’m respectfully asking for your help. Here’s a link where you can give: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

I know we’ve been emailing a lot in advance of tonight’s deadline. I assure you that I wouldn’t be reaching out again if it weren’t so important.

Our race for governor is the most competitive gubernatorial contest of 2024. All eyes are on us. Meanwhile, national GOP groups are preparing to pour outside money into our state. Taking them on will require an all-hands-on-deck effort.

I’m in this race to win. I need you with me on this team.

Please: Give anything you can afford before midnight to help us meet our goal and go into the general election with the resources we’re counting on.

https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Thank you,


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