Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Saturday, February 17, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Friends, the challenges we face are enormous. To defend our values, we are partnering with various allies, including Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation, Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute to empower the resurgence of the Church vote. Below is their latest alert. Please share the resources included here with your church leaders and fellow worshippers. – Gary
The Church Finds Its Voice
A Coalition of Lindsey Communications, The Lindsey Foundation,
Faith Wins and the Pacific Justice Institute
to Empower the Resurgence of the Church Vote!
Comm #45:
A Closer Look At Media Influence
Last month we included a list of current, updated, trustworthy news media sources for you, and we hope and pray you’ve been using it. Thanks again to Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center for his outstanding help with that.
The sheer amount of information coming at us in the guise of truthful information (and it’s a mixture) has made a list like this imperative. This month, we thought we’d take you further into the world of media techniques that shape opinion.
Good Morning, treasured Pastors and Church leaders. Joan here, and I’ll kick off since last month I led this topic, but each of us is going to weigh in. Chad on the ground interacting with reporters, Kielle as an emerging media voice, and Brad on the media's effect on law and elections.
For half a century, I’ve watched the news media morph into opinion shapers from fact reporters. As a media person, it’s been painful to see the emergence of opinion, suggestion, inference, and emotion into journalism, denying audiences the opportunity to weigh facts and decide their own opinions.
Why would they do this? For a couple of reasons - in my opinion. Watergate simply tore the fabric and produced a new view of our largest institutions; government, businesses, and churches, as being flawed. Journalists seeking recognition now sought the flaws. Shaping stories to heighten the drama sold. Restraints on journalistic ethics just may have loosened a bit.
And then dilution happened. With the internet there exploded news options which carved up audiences, spurring news that had to grab you and keep you.
And now, intense activism is embedded in news organizations because, well - because they can. Media party affiliation is ridiculously lopsided and the reporting reflects it. Since nearly everybody with whom news folks work feels the same politically, biased reporting doesn’t seem biased at all to them.
Shaping facts and bending interpretation is easily justified to swing a story around to what the media thinks should be true (even if not strictly in line with facts).
Some techniques to know.
Words selected can have immense power to shape your opinion. For example, the 2020 election raised sincerely held concerns about fairness, and it was widespread. Yet the media used the term “baseless claims” repeatedly and in unison. Baseless, baseless, baseless, and on it went and still goes.
Media people know that to sell a product or an idea repetition will do it. When many repeat it, the idea gains credibility. So, watch out for oft repeated words or phrases. It’s a clue to an orchestrated “sell”.
On the topic of words, there are words that carry immense positive connotations in our society such as good, right, free, family, love, care, choice, and many more. Those are just some examples. Watch for attempts to attach highly positive words to certain ideas particularly when the attachment seems forced.
Conversely, of course, we hold certain other words as exceptionally negative, so you’d be watchful over the use of those as well.
Endorsements have power. Who says it, matters. What they look like and sound like, matters. When opinions are being shaped, you’ll see a careful selection here; positive qualities in the ’for’ column, negative in the ‘against’ column.
For example, the producer may select an unkempt, ill spoken, poorly dressed person to interview to attach opinions they wish to discredit to a person they believe will turn the audience away from both. Unkempt, ill spoken, poorly dressed person = discredited views. Watch for this technique and ask yourself, “Why?”
Reporters have an array of interview techniques that help shape a story’s good quotient or bad quotient, too. The way a question is asked can convey unpleasant emotion; the words flavored with disbelief, with shock, even with disapproval. And vice versa.
In like manner, the reporter’s facial expression can do the same. And they know this can throw the person being interviewed, which often elicits a nervous response which makes a better story.
About those visuals. Is a favored candidate apparent because their picture is bigger, given more space? Angled up so they appear leader-like? Well-lit so they look clear/honest? With an appealing expression caught on their face? To advantage. Watch for visuals always. The media knows they tell their own story.
We’re in an election year when it’s most important to be media savvy. The way the media is reporting on current, historic, and unconstitutional attempts to alter the ballot is unprecedented. Your ability to know how to find truthful reporting and to discern it - and then to ensure your congregations also know how - is a game changer.
What I’ve just written is so introductory. These are just a bare handful of media techniques to watch for. Get sharp in spotting them, and we’ll continue to discuss.
Okay, I wasn’t going to include this, but I think I just will. There's an article on Britannica.com that is the best discussion of propaganda I’ve ever read. It’s long, but it’s a spectacularly good deconstruction of how media is used to manipulate opinion. When I read it, I thought, “Yep, that’s happening!” If you want to swing for the fences here, I highly recommend reading it.
Kielle will give us the new media view next, then we’ll hear from Brad with how this relates to the election, and Chad’s going to give some in-the-field examples to conclude.
Joan Holt Lindsey, Founder and President of Lindsey Communications
Hello, friends…we just saw some of the highest priced media content of the year in the form of - you guessed it - Super Bowl ads! Catch the “He Gets Us” commercial? How about the flurry of post-event commentary trying to unwind just exactly what that nearly $18 million advertisement was messaging?
Apparently, it was the most watched TV program ever…123 million people saw this! Plenty of people had a LOT to say about it, especially people of faith, and rightly so.
What we saw in a single minute of images was what many are categorizing as a twisted misrepresentation of our call as Christians based on a manipulated understanding of who Jesus Christ was and is, and how the Bible calls us to interact with those who may believe and act differently than we do.
It has certainly led to a lot of discussion…perhaps that’s a goal accomplished. Yes, we all want to spur interest in who Jesus was and is and in living the way Christ has called us to.
But these very specific images have also led to widespread misunderstanding from what looked to be a call for Christians to blanket-forgive any and all behaviors, to keep our mouths shut about those behaviors, to be apologetic about how we have responded historically, and many received the message to say…we should only love and forgive and turn a blind eye in any and all circumstances.
Essentially, we should support, we should enable, even if we think it’s sinful.
You’d have to dig into the depths of this campaign’s messaging to glean a few nuggets of pure biblical wisdom, but here’s the thing. Perhaps only we as committed believers get that. We get that we live in a nation built on Christian principles, founded by those who, at tremendous cost, battled and persevered to ensure our right to worship freely…to worship God.
But now men and women of faith have become easy targets for those who revile even the slightest criticism of the ways in which they live their lives, the beliefs they hold and their actions driven by them. I guess pointing out sin makes us all judgy, and therefore wrong, and therefore due retribution.
Christian persecution is alive and well around the world, but very much here at home as well, and you could easily make the case that it’s worsening by the day - the horrific shooting at Lakewood Church just a few days ago, and the shameful lack of media coverage that followed, is just one heartbreaking example of the cultural shift in how our society views those of the Christian faith today.
And now, we are being ever more silenced in our thoughts on and responses to that persecution.
The media is driving a culture that is telling Christians, “If you don’t like it - zip it.” The most beautiful tenets of the Christian faith - love, peace, forgiveness, acceptance - are being reframed by those who understand them least.
Their view is “love is dictated where it’s acceptable to be placed…you aren’t allowed an opposing view…anyone can be who they want and do whatever they please, so we must forgive all / accept all no matter what.”
Is this what the Bible says? Is it what Jesus modeled?
Recreating Jesus Christ into a “woke” figure is nothing short of….profane.
God has called you to leadership, and I believe He is calling us most firmly just right now to help your congregations, communities, and every person in this nation to be equipped with the only truth that is real and solid and right…the truth of the living Word.
As we witness more and more people desperately trying to find their own way, by their own flawed human thinking, the voice of the Church is needed now more than ever. We must right the mass of confusion about our place in this world as believers and what our purpose is in order to fulfill His perfect will and not our own.
Let the Church be strengthened by your bold preaching that will empower believers and seekers alike to stand up for Jesus (the real one!), stand up for faith, and stand up for what is TRUE.
If you don’t confront narratives like these with Godly wisdom, those with ulterior, ill-intentioned motives won’t hesitate to fill in the gaps. It’s got to be you, the Church, and it’s got to be now. We stand with you, and Brad is going to share more about how the law is on your side in this fight for truth to prevail.
Kielle Lindsey is the President of the Lindsey Foundation
Combatting Lawfare and Election Fraud in 2024: The concept of someone in power trying to thrust their number one political opponent behind bars used to be reserved for the most reprobate of banana republics…until now.
Despite one’s political party or candidate preference, virtually all Americans should be alarmed with the lawsuits filed by prosecutors who all have a political ax to grind against former President Trump. While these attempts of “lawfare” will likely not prevail, it is important for all to understand the terrible precedent has far beyond Trump.
If a person is running for office in a state with a hostile governor or attorney general, he could be sued and wrapped up in court proceedings over their tax filings from long ago, a loan they sought with debatable valuations of stated assets, efforts made to ensure every vote is counted or some other reason.
And, pending what the Supreme Court soon decides, activist state judges could arbitrarily remove someone from the ballot over how they personally feel if your actions in some way were to further an “insurrection.”
And why does such newly birthed tyranny exist? It exists because of those voted in as district attorney or judge, or a governor or president who appointed such judges. Needless-to-say, voting does matter and impacts our continuation of truly fair elections and the functional integrity of our nation’s halls of justice.
What can you do? Voting is important, but is no longer enough because of obvious organized voter fraud during the last two elections.
So, while it is valuable to have churches voter registration on Sunday mornings, we are encouraging churches to take one more step – encourage your members to sign up to become poll workers or poll watchers.
If carried out across America, this next election will be one that we can ALL respect and preserve a nation that truly is of the people.
Those interested in voter registration Sundays or recruiting poll workers or poll watchers can contact PJI’s Church Engagement Office at PJI.org.
Brad Dacus is the Founder and President of Pacific Justice Institute
There is no doubt that we as Christians don’t always “play well in the sandbox” with the world — and we’re supposed to be separate and walk God’s path anyway. Obviously, we all deal with the world daily though and we need savvy, discernment and wisdom!
Too often, we assume that the people we listen to, or watch, or rely on for information, have the same worldview that we do. Sadly, the older we get, the more we interact with folks, the more we recognize that a GREAT portion of the information we take in comes from people who disagree, and sometimes disagree violently, with our Biblical worldview.
Having done dozens of media interviews and having gotten to know quite a few media types that I interact with regularly, I am convinced that a very large number of them intentionally sow confusion with their reporting — all because of their worldview. You do not have to look far to see dishonest and misleading reporting.
I believe this is being confirmed by recent polling showing that the trust in the media is at an all-time low. I don’t know if you’ve ever just switched quickly back and forth between networks to see first-hand how different talking heads cover the same subjects, but it’s telling!
Any Christian who is paying attention can easily identify the hypocritical treatment of all things Christian and conservative in the media, but too many of us still trust the mainstream press to be honest brokers. As we live our lives and work hard to be good Christian citizens, we have to be able to cut through the noise, the clutter and yes, the intentional confusion and disinformation that we encounter.
We see horrible and dishonest reporting on Israel, Hamas protests, the border, and even candidates for office. We can’t allow our perceptions of those things to be formed fully by media presentations, as Christians, we are responsible for becoming informed citizens!
How do we overcome “the Media” messaging? We have to be responsible for learning about candidates at every level and about issues. We have to work to learn not to allow our opinions to be formed only by the media angles.
Find out what each candidate stands for, don’t focus so much on what they always SAY, but honestly LOOK at what they do. This applies to candidates at every level, the higher the office though, the greater the impact on society.
Here’s a pretty good example — and it could be pulled from things happening right now as you read this.
The current administration representatives will stand in front of the media nearly daily and repeat that our border is secure, and it’s all fine, and there is no need to be concerned. It’s always appalling to me that MOST of the reporters in the room remain silent, and don’t seem intellectually curious or honest at all.
At the same time as the press secretary makes those claims, you can literally watch on social media or other platforms LIVE video of illegals crossing our borders! You can also watch videos of American property owners and ranchers expressing their utter frustration at the lack of a secure border. It’s truly amazing!
In fact, if you fly a lot like I do, you may have recently experienced standing in a TSA line, showing your American ID, having paid for your flight, maybe even being treated unprofessionally or rudely by a TSA worker, and watching another line as illegal immigrants with no ID, and with no payment, being shuttled through the airport to flights your tax dollars pay for!
I hate it too, but American Christians must realize that too many press members have an agenda and let’s face it, FAR too many of them are fine with the destruction of the nation and the values that we love.
Our role is to expect confusion from the media and become informed as we cast our votes and make a difference for the Lord here in our times!
God Bless,
Chad Connelly, Founder and President of Faith Wins
“A Recommendation of America’s Best Historical Sermons for Your Consideration This Month.” WallBuilders sermon archives are historically significant and relevant to current political and cultural events. Here is...
- Stanley Griswold, Overcoming Evil With Good. A Sermon Delivered at Wallingford, Connecticut, March 11, 1801, Before a Numerous Collection of the Friends Of The Constitution, Of Thomas Jefferson, President, And Of Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the United States.
- John Mitchell Mason, The Voice of Warning to Christians, on the Ensuing Election of a President of the United States (1800).
TRUSTED MEDIA SOURCES (Credit: Media Research Center)
Washington Examiner
Daily Caller
Washington Times
Real Clear Politics
The Daily Wire
News Max
One America News
El American
We stand with you and are praying for you!
-Joan, Brad, Chad and Kielle - Your Church Finds Its Voice Leadership
*Please share and forward on to your networks!
Contact Us:
Chad Connelly
President, Faith Wins
[email protected]
To read more about Church Do’s and Don’ts and for an expanded list of resources and contacts to call for help, please visit: http://faithwins.us/resources/
Brad Dacus
President, Pacific Justice Institute
[email protected]
Joan Holt Lindsey
Founder and President, Lindsey Communications
[email protected]
Kielle C. Horton
President, the Lindsey Foundation
[email protected]
