Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Team — Will you stand with Nikki in her fight for continued investment in agricultural research?


In 2023, President Joe Biden signed into law a continuing resolution for the Farm Bill that lays the foundation for agriculture policy through September of this year. This legislation package includes funding for SNAP and nutrition programs, loans and resources for the farmers we rely on, and continued research and conservation efforts to ensure our communities are farming sustainably.

As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, Nikki has been an advocate for farmers across the Midwest including right here in the 13th District. 

She’s been a key component in ensuring that we continue to invest in agricultural research so that we know not only how to grow better crops, but how we do so sustainably and limit and eliminate the negative impacts on our climate.

We could use some community support here: Will you add your name and support continued investment into agricultural research?


Thank you!

— Nikki HQ