Hitting every single online fundraising goal is critical to building a winning campaign.
What’s involved in a winning campaign? It starts with talking to as many voters as possible. There are also bills to pay – like our HQ office for staff and volunteers to work out of – and travel costs as I continue to hit the road and talk to voters and community leaders.
Some of our biggest expenses are in our voter communication and engagement budget. This summer and fall, our campaign will make huge investments in TV and digital ads, direct mail pieces, and an aggressive ground campaign to get out the vote before the election. What we raise now plays a major role in determining how big our budget can be and how many voters we can reach.
Early polling shows me in a dead heat with my extremist Republican opponent. This campaign will be won or lost by the smallest of margins. We really can’t afford to miss any of our goals because failing to hit our projections translates into budget cuts on direct voter outreach.
Paid for by DAGA PAC (dems.ag) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org.
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