Governor Cuomo is threatening to cut funding for Medicaid during a global health crisis. Demand NO cuts to Medicaid in the New York State Budget. Click here to sign our petition.
The spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a global pandemic and economic crisis. Thousands have been fighting a new and deadly virus. More have lost jobs, their health insurance or income in the effort to "Flatten the Curve." It is clearer than ever that years of austerity budgets have starved our communities and left them exposed in a time of desperate need.
In spite of this, Governor Cuomo continues to push for cuts to Medicaid while refusing to raise taxes on the very rich to manage this pandemic.
Click here to sign our petition to demand NO cuts to Medicaid in the New York State Budget.
While many hardworking families are struggling today, billionaires and ultra-millionaires are doing just fine. New York is home to an exorbitant number of billionaires. There's a simple answer to balancing the state's budget in this time of crisis: Tax the rich.
COVID-19 doesn't discriminate, but our for-profit healthcare system does. The rich and famous are able to get tested and jet off to secluded homes with their private medical teams. Working families are worrying about infecting their loved ones and how they’ll pay for health care or for prescriptions if their jobs are cut.
Click here to sign our petition to demand NO cuts to Medicaid in the New York State Budget.
Alicé Nascimento, NYCC