Join the fight against selective justice and support accountability for all!
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Dear John,

The recent events concerning the handling of classified documents have brought to light a stark contrast in accountability. While President Trump faces charges from an administration he once led, Joe Biden appears to evade the consequences of similar actions.

This is a matter of fairness and equity in our justice system. We cannot stand by as the scales are seemingly tipped in favor of one side, dismissing transgressions with excuses that would not suffice for any average American.

Your contribution can help level the playing field and ensure that our leaders are held to the same standards as every citizen of this great nation. This isn't merely about one individual; it's about the integrity of our political system.


EMAIL: [email protected]
SUPPORTER ID: #006162837
SUGGESTED GIFT: $25 or more


We cannot let this discrepancy in accountability go unchallenged. This is not just a political battle; it's a fight for the core values of our constitutional republic.

To DEFEAT JOE BIDEN and support a movement for genuine accountability, we need your immediate action.

Can we count on you, John?

With resolve,

Matt Judge
Political Director, NCGOP

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North Carolina Republican Party, 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States

Contributions to North Carolina Republican Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by North Carolina Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States