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New Government locking-in Labour's mega-spending? 😳🔒💸
In the lead up to the election, all three Coalition partners
campaigned strongly against the astronomical increase in public
spending under the previous Government, and promised they would rein
in the public service departments to cut out waste.
On the campaign trail, Christopher Luxon time and again
picked on the massive staffing increase at the backroom Public
Service, which collectively has grown by 15,000 since
And as National put it in its pre-election
fiscal plan (our
Labour inherited a very
tidy set of books from National in 2017. But since then, Labour has increased spending by 80
percent and seen debt blow out from $5 billion in 2019 to $104
billion in the latest forecast.
Yet, despite all that pre-election signalling, the new Government's
only proposal to address Grant Robertson's monumental growth in the
costs of Wellington is to cut the budgets of [checks
notes] some Public Service departments by 6.5% or (in a
limited number of cases) 7.5%...
Worse still, Finance Minister Nicola Willis is tasking
the departmental CEO’s to lead the process and deliver ‘proposals’ on
how best to reduce their budgets. That is akin to asking the
foxes to guard the hen house and is politically
We need only see recent news reports to see
how bureaucrats can (and will) threaten politically sensitive
frontline services to understand how they will protect their patches –
and the empires the same CEOs have created...
Tell Nicola Willis to ignore the media and special interests: ✂️
Grant Robertson's spending back to an affordable level 💰
If you agree that Ministers (not the CEOs/officials
responsible for the fiscal mess!) should be going through line by line
spending to determine exactly what savings can and should be made
take 30 seconds to send Ms Willis an email using our online tool

RIP Three Waters 💦🪦
In case you missed the news this week (or
the death notice in today's Weekend Herald) Three Waters was
finally scrapped with the passing of the third and final reading of
repeal legislation this week.

It took a gruelling two and half year campaign, more than
50 campaign events, hundreds of thousands of signatures to our
petition, and 65,000 printed, hand-delivered submissions to the Select
Committee, but together we forced Wellington to Scrap Three
To mark the success of what is probably the biggest
people-power policy victory so far – and protecting local democratic
control of ratepayer funded assets – we are holding a (tongue firmly
in cheek) Three
Waters funeral and wake complete with traditional tea, coffee and
biscuits at 4pm on Monday at our Wellington offices to mark the
passing of Higher Water Costs, More Bureaucracy, No Local Control,
and Less Democracy.

For those unable to make it, we've also launched an online book of
condolences for you to send your regards to the now deceased Water
Services Entities Act. Click
here to add your comments to the official Three Waters book of
On a more serious note, thank you to you – and, quite literally,
the hundreds of thousands of Kiwis – who said "No" to Nanaia Mahuta's
outrageous attempt to take ratepayer-owned local water assets and put
them into unaccountable co-governed entities.
Wellington Mayor’s secret meeting with multi-millionaire cinema
owners a boozy affair 🍾

year it was revealed that Wellington City Council's Mayor Tory
Whanau and Chief Executive Barbara McKerrow were having secret
meetings with the mega-wealthy foreign owners of the Reading Cinema
complex just weeks after the Mayor was sworn in to office.
Those secret meetings led to ratepayers funnelling $32 million into
purchasing the land underneath the now abandoned building with Reading
being allowed to renovate and continue to operate the property.
But according to new
information ratepayers were picking up the tab! Wellington seafood
restaurant, Oretga, left ratepayers footing the bill for a
whopping $1,400 buffet – with almost a quarter of the final bill made
up of alcohol.
Taking international mega wealthy entertainment and property
tycoons out for dinner to give them corporate welfare handouts is bad
enough. Having ratepayers pick up the food and grog tab is salt into
the wound.
wonder the Council is in financial turmoil.
Should websites be taxed for linking to NZ media websites? 🤔

On Thursday, our Policy Manager James Ross submitted on the
Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, which aims to crackdown on big
companies such as Google and Facebook who link to news sources
Members of the media are flocking to defend this planned
shakedown of the big digital platforms, despite already being able to
opt out of having their content shared if they want to. It's clear
this isn't about fairness, it's about Media CEOs and big
wigs deciding their slice of the pie isn’t large enough.
Dr Eric Crampton wrote about the Fair Digital News Bargaining
Bill back in August, showing
how a similar attempt to screw the scrum in Canada went down (hint:
not very well).
With the new Minister, Melissa Lee, shouting about how poor
this bill was before the election, most assumed it was as dead as a
dodo. But if there’s one thing we’ve learnt here, it’s that you can
never expect too little from the Government.
If it passes, the Bill is so poorly defined that even your
humble Taxpayers’ Union’s newsletters could be forced to wind up!
Linking to leftwing news websites like The Spinoff or even
just Stuff and the NZ Herald websites would see us
taxed to subsidise their newsrooms.
Watch James'
submission here.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’

Waikato Times
admits proposed rate hikes ‘not sustainable or affordable’ for many in
The Platform David
Farrar Discusses Latest Political Polling
Lynch Media Proposed
rates hike: ‘irresponsible financial
Stuff Mackenzie
pensioners feel rates heat, consider selling
The Spinoff A
vital and perilous day for the news media in New
The Press Media
bosses plead for help in arm wrestle with internet
RNZ Media
bosses urge MPs to 'level playing field' with big
BusinessDesk News
publishers plead for online news bill rescue
law to get tech giants to stump up or we’ll be gone:
Stuff NZ
politics live: Will the Government make tech giants pay for
NZ Herald Niwa
committed to low emissions despite $700k spend on four ‘luxury’
Stuff What
minister said as media leaders stated case for making tech giants pay
for news
Duncan Garner Podcast 'The
Week That Was' with Damien Grant and Cassie
The Platform Mihi
Forbes and the great Atlas conspiracy
defends buying four Chevrolet Silverado utes valued at $172,000
Stuff ‘I’m
not involved,’ says Conscious South Canterbury campaign