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Abortion services are at risk of collapse during the coronavirus crisis, with women already being denied terminations after a government U-turn on allowing
home procedures was branded "cruel and reckless".
Jewish fatalities account for nearly 5% of the confirmed national death toll, data shows, despite the fact Jews make up just 0.5% of the British population.
Donald Trump is aiming to reopen "large sections of the country" by Easter, he told reporters on Tuesday. The US president said he picked Easter because "I
just thought it was a beautiful time, a beautiful timeline, it's a great day".
As multiple governors issue orders to curb large gatherings and implore residents to stay home in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, at least a
half-dozen states have exempted some level of religious activity.
Planned Parenthood and other American health-care clinics sued Texas over an executive order that classifies abortion as "nonessential" and thus banned as
part of the state's emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Vatican's offices remain open two weeks after the Italian government ordered Italians home and shut down all non-essential businesses in an urgent
attempt to contain the coronavirus.
A plan to open a Church of England school on the site of a community school in the village of Englefield Green is not in residents' interests, says Robert
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