Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

This is a major development in my must-win race to keep the Senate blue, folks.

Newly released finance reports show that one of my opponents self-funded his campaign to the tune of over $400,000 – and that’s just to start! The stakes of our race just grew tenfold with three opponents lining up to defeat me and take back the Senate majority.

It's crucial that we show the full strength of our grassroots operation if we want to win this race. So please, will you chip in $5 or more now so I can defend this seat and the Senate Majority?

Look, we can't let Delaware's Senate seat be bought and paid for by the highest bidder.

That's why it's on our campaign to show that we have the broad support that we need to compete with self-funding campaigns like my opponent's. I'm ready to earn every last vote by listening, showing up, and delivering results – just as I did as your Congresswoman.

Your support is paramount to the people-powered campaign that we're building on our campaign. Can I count on you to rush $5 or more right now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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