The GOP is doing everything it can to undermine what we’ve worked so hard for.
Slashing Social Security is at the top of their agenda, but they know they don’t have the American people’s support to cut its funding. That’s why the GOP is pushing so hard for a secretive and undemocratic fiscal commission that would undoubtedly recommend drastic cuts to programs like Social Security.
The commission would have the power to fast-track legislation dismantling our nation’s most important federal programs, with minimal public input and scrutiny - and House Speaker Mike Johnson has made its creation a top priority.
John, they're moving quickly and quietly to establish this dangerous fiscal commission and to once again attack Social Security benefits.
I won’t sit by and watch as their extremist agenda threatens to undermine Social Security, but I need your help to fight back. I have a $5,000 fundraising gap that I need to close by Saturday at midnight. Please chip in $10 to help me make my deadline and take a stand against the GOP’s extremist agenda.
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Republican extremists have shown us they’re not backing down from stripping away our most fundamental rights and freedoms.
We need to act now to start building a powerful campaign and ultimately ensure that my Democratic colleagues and I can take on the GOP in November to protect everything we’ve worked for.
If you’re able, please rush a contribution to strengthen our campaign and ensure we have the resources to take back the House.
Thank you,
John Larson