Hi, it’s Congresswoman Lucy McBath. I serve Georgia’s 7th district, and 12 years ago, my life was changed forever when I lost my son Jordan to gun violence.

I decided to turn my pain into purpose by becoming a national gun safety advocate and eventually running for Congress. No matter how hard the NRA tries to defeat me, I’ve never looked back.

But today, I’m not writing to talk about myself. I’m here to tell you about my friend and colleague, Lisa Blunt Rochester, who’s running to make history as the first woman and person of color to represent Delaware in the Senate.

This Black History Month, I’m personally asking you to make a donation to ensure we have the representation we deserve.

As colleagues, I’ve worked together with Lisa on countless pieces of legislation. Take it from me: we need Lisa’s voice in the Senate. But as another Black woman in politics, I can tell you that the road ahead won’t be easy.

On average, Black women fundraise just one-third the amount that their white counterparts do, so Lisa’s truly counting on your support to break through one of the hardest glass ceilings in politics.

I promised Lisa I’d help her reach her critical $100,000 February online fundraising goal, so please, will you chip in $5 or more right now? When you donate, you’re getting us one step closer to helping Lisa make history.

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In solidarity,
