From Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources <>
Subject NEWS RELEASE | REMINDER: Help Shape The Future Of Conservation In Wisconsin
Date February 16, 2024 3:03 PM
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*Contact: *DNR Office of Communications*


Help Shape The Future Of Conservation In Wisconsin


*MADISON, Wis.* ? The Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) reminds Wisconsinites there?s still time to take part in its annual spring hearing process.

The WCC is an independent organization of residents that advises the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on how to responsibly manage Wisconsin?s natural resources.

Each year, residents have an opportunity to submit ideas as resolutions to the WCC.?

Wisconsinites can submit proposed resolutions online now through Feb. 26, 2024. Resolutions must meet the following criteria:

* The concern must be of statewide impact.
* The concern must be practical, achievable and reasonable.
* The concern must be within the mission and vision of the WCC.

An individual resident may submit up to two resolutions per year and must present their resolution in person during the annual spring hearings on April 8. Resolutions will be accepted until Feb. 26, 2024.

At the close of the submission process, the resolutions will be reviewed by a committee of WCC delegates to ensure they meet the criteria for inclusion and will be prepared for the online input, which begins on Wednesday, April 10, and closes on Saturday, April 13.

Those interested in submitting a resolution are encouraged to reach out to the?resolution review committee [ [link removed] ]?or their?WCC county chair [ [link removed] ] for guidance in drafting a resolution.

Additional tips on preparing a resolution are available on the WCC and DNR's Spring Hearings webpage [ [link removed] ].

For further information or questions, contact Terri Roehrig, Executive Committee Member of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, at 920-540-2775.


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