Fort Myers, Florida
Former Planned Parenthood manager and current 40 Days for Life outreach director Ramona Trevino continued her tour of South Florida campaigns in Fort Myers, where she addressed a group that included some first-time vigil participants...
...and some pro-lifers from out of town! Dolly, who helps lead 40 Days for Life vigils in Buffalo, New York, was in town and joined the rally with her husband.
After the rally, participants headed to Planned Parenthood to pray.
The unity of the Body of Christ was on full display as Spanish-speaking pro-lifers who attended Ramona's talk at the kickoff rally in Sarasota a couple nights earlier also came to Fort Myers. Their presence made it a bilingual rally as prayers alternated between English and Spanish.
"Connections were made between the Spanish-speaking families and our leader, Maureen, who is excited about the new support and help with filling more vigil hours," Ramona reported.