A Hundred Days after Gaza's October 7 (Part 4 of 4)
How Does This End? Regionally and Globally.
by Gwythian Prins • February 16, 2024 at 5:00 am
Israel's cause is the cause of the Free World as is Ukraine's and Taiwan's.
Domestic supporters of Hamas, trying to constrain Israel by "lawfare" and by noisy street and media politics, are therefore a fifth column for our enemies and should be treated as such.
Unsuccessful "lawfare" at the International Court of Justice served to narrow and make harder the road out of Gaza for all local parties. The biggest losers are those Arabs who are neither Islamists nor anti-Semites: for their territorial hopes have been written out of history at present by Hamas and Iran. Prosperity and tranquillity for them will only return with resumption of the Abraham Accords.... Netanyahu is surely correct in stating that any attempt to push for a two-state solution at this moment would endanger Israel.
Globally, in the context of a developing worldwide multi-theatre and multi modal contest between the Free World and the dictatorships, the most humane and swiftest route to peace is controlled escalation on our terms which reaches out and helps Iranians to end the shaky and bloodstained regime of the Iranian ayatollahs.
The right sort of war – meaning war on Western terms, in which we and not our enemies have escalation dominance -- is sometimes the most peace-friendly option....

There are always dire consequences when the two strands of the double helix of "history as facts" and "history as beliefs" are torn too far apart. Chaos ensues. Dark forces are liberated.
Just this has happened for Israel and its neighbourhood since Hamas perpetrated the pogrom of 7/10. In the hundred days until the world turned upside down with the South African led attempt to weaponise the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) to tar the victim of a transparently genocidal attack with charges of genocide -- an attempt which failed, but only just -- all routes out of the dark chaos have steadily narrowed. After the ICJ's vexatious ruling which tried but was unable to declare Israel to have committed genocide, even moreso.