From Action Team @ Our Revolution <[email protected]>
Subject FWD: Biden must hear our call for Peace
Date February 16, 2024 1:07 AM
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John, we all
agree that the carnage in Gaza needs to end. 

The President must change course and be a peacemaker.

That’s why Former Congressman Andy Levin and Our Revolution are proud to
stand with Listen to Michigan. We wanted to make sure you saw our message
so we don’t miss this opportunity to make Michigan a megaphone for Peace
on Feb. 27th.

Our Revolution needs your help to reach thousands of progressive
Michiganders to vote UNCOMMITTED in the presidential primary and send
President Biden a message.

[ [link removed] ]Please donate here to fund calls, texts, and on-the-ground mobilization
to make our voices heard for Gaza. 

When we organize, we win.

Our Revolution


-----Forwarded Message-----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wenesday, Febuary 14, 2024
Subject: URGENT: Send Biden a message on Gaza he can’t ignore



We’re all heartbroken - and outraged - with the Biden Administration’s
complicity in the death and devastation in Gaza.

If the murder of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza and mass protests
across our country haven’t touched the President’s heart to change course,
it’s time we move beyond the moral case for Peace and cut to Biden’s
fundamental self-interest.

This morning, The New York Times unveiled Our Revolution’s strategy to
send Biden a wake up call in the pivotal swing state of Michigan.

We are mounting a massive push to get progressives to vote “UNCOMMITTED”
as a protest vote in the Michigan presidential primary on Feb. 27th — less
than 2 weeks away! We must send a clear message directly to the Biden
campaign: Change course NOW on Gaza or else risk losing Michigan to Trump
in November.

[ [link removed] ]For this to work, we urgently need your help to immediately ramp up our
calls, texts and on the ground mobilization. Please DONATE to help
activate our 87,000 supporters in Michigan to execute this strategy over
the next 13 days.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your
donation to Our Revolution will process immediately.

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It was Biden’s DNC that moved Michigan earlier in the primary calendar,
and now our movement in the state has a strategic opportunity and a
megaphone to push for Peace. Not only does Michigan have the largest Arab
American population in the country, we also have progressive leaders and
local officials on board.

Former U.S. Rep. Andy Levin, who AIPAC ousted from Congress in 2022, told
the NYT there are some who will never vote for Biden after all of this,
“but there are many, many who will if he changes course. This is the best
way to help Joe Biden.”

Bottom line:  By enabling these murders abroad, Joe Biden is killing his
own chances in November and risking the death of our democracy.

[ [link removed] ]But we can do something about it with your support. Give whatever you are
able to send Biden a direct message on Gaza.

When we organize, we win.

Our Revolution


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charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are
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