This time, it’s from the NRA

Nathan Johnson is the Democratic State Senator from Dallas (Texas Senate District 16). Our emails are the best way to make sure you stay updated on what Nathan’s working on at the State Legislature and how we’re building a future that all Texans can be proud of, but if you’d no longer like to hear from us, please click here to unsubscribe.


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Hi John,


The NRA released its report card on Texas senators. I got another ‘F’.

NRA Report Card - Nathan Johnson

Whatever. The vast majority of Texans want to see a whole set of a simple, sensible gun-safety laws enacted in our state.


The gun lobby is unhappy that I’ve supported raising the minimum age to purchase an assault weapon to 21; requiring background checks for all firearm sales; requiring a “cooling off” period of 72 hours after the purchase of a firearm; and allowing for the temporary removal of firearms from those who are an imminent danger to themselves or others. 


They’re unhappy that I’ve filed bills to increase the availability of safe storage locations and to create a mechanism for someone to place themselves on a temporary do-not-sell list. 


They’re unhappy that I support permitting and gun-safety training requirements.


I’m not interested in making them happy. I was elected to represent the people, and the people overwhelmingly support meaningful gun safety laws.

I’m good with F’s on the NRA report card. My grades come from you — the Texans I represent.


With gratitude,

Senator Nathan Johnson signature

Nathan Johnson

Texas State Senate, District 16

The Dallas Morning News has called Senator Nathan Johnson “one of the most effective Democratic legislators in Texas. He has worked tirelessly, strategically and across the aisle to advance a swath of matters that help Texas be a better state.”


They offered a clear message: “We urge voters to look at Johnson’s record and return him to office.”


Chip in now and help us spread this message to Dallas voters all across SD-16 before Election Day on March 5th.

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Nathan Johnson Campaign

P.O. Box 670994

Dallas, TX  75367

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P.O. Box 670994 | Dallas, TX  75367

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