Today's most important news and opinion from Common Dreams
Independent, progressive journalism is under direct assault.
Genocide in Gaza. A raging climate emergency. Right-wing attacks on Social Security and Medicare. Oligarchs paving the road to fascism. How well does the corporate media cover any of these issues? We built Common Dreams — and thousands of readers like you keep it alive — because we believe in a better world and a brighter future. But this kind of journalism simply dies without active support from the people who believe in it.
The word, said one advocate, "rightly identifies who is responsible for this inflation crisis and opens up the range of policy solutions we have at our disposal to fight high prices and deliver relief for families."
"The labor movement stands united in our belief that slashing crucial programs like Medicare and Social Security... will make people poorer, sicker, hungrier and even lose their homes," said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler.
The electoral base that Biden is going to need for re-election is heavily against his support for Israel’s war on Gaza. There is no way to hide from that fact.
While Americans are debating esoteric clauses of the Constitution in an effort to determine Trump’s place on or off the ballot, Brazil is taking far more effective steps to ensure that Bolsonaro never leads the country again.
I urge you to reset your moral and political bearings and use the leverage of being POTUS and a staunch supporter of Israel to negotiate a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.