Great news! We just got a favorable ruling in our U.S. Navy SEALs case.
A federal district court denied the government’s attempt to have the case declared moot.
This is very positive for the SEALs. It means the court agreed with us that these elite warriors deserve to be vindicated after being mistreated and punished for their religious convictions.
The SEALs have been fighting in court for more than two years. So, this decision is encouraging because it will move the case closer to a final resolution.
First Liberty attorney Danielle Runyan explains the decision in more detail and what’s next for the SEALs case. Watch below:

Thank you for standing with our Navy heroes. They appreciate every prayer, note of encouragement and donation you’ve made. It’s YOU who’s helped us secure several crucial victories for the SEALs, as well as for thousands of service members. We could not have gotten this far or been this successful without your support.
You Have Made It Possible for the Navy SEALs to Stand Firm in their Faith Read a Special Message of Thanks from one of our Navy SEALs
It’s been a long battle. But the fight isn’t over yet. We’re very close to winning this case for good.
We’re certainly not giving up now that a final victory is within sight. The Navy must be held fully accountable for their treatment of our Navy SEALs. We’ll fight this case to the very end.
In this final stage, we need your continued support. There’s a lot at stake. We can only deliver that final win for the SEALs with your help.
Our Navy clients, along with their families, are counting on us.
Can we count on you? Please give to First Liberty today.