john —

Republicans are making an absolute mess of Congress.

After working for months on a bipartisan border security deal, Republicans suddenly turned against it and wouldn't even let the Senate begin debate on the bill.


Because Donald Trump told them he did not want to see a deal passed before the election.

That’s right — because of the wishes of Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress killed the legislation they asked for and spent weeks working on.

The legislation wasn’t perfect, but Tina was ready to debate and discuss the merits of the bill, just as the Senate is supposed to do.

Instead, the bill was cast aside, and Republicans are the ones who sunk the bipartisan deal.

Tina is hard at work making sure voters know why the Senate never even debated this legislation: because Republicans were too weak to stand up to Donald Trump.

She needs your help to share this message with voters across the country: the GOP members of Congress are beholden to Donald Trump, not the people who voted them into office. Chip in to help share the message today >>

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Team Tina