Dear John, We invite you to join us on Wednesday, February 21st, at 12:00pm for a webinar about the new pro-Boundary Waters bill in the MN Legislature, and to learn about how you can support the Boundary Waters at your local precinct caucus!
The new "4 Features” bill was introduced in the State Legislature last week, and would help safeguard the watershed of the Boundary Waters from four risky practices involved in sulfide-ore copper mining.
We also encourage you to come learn how you can advocate for the BWCA during Precinct Caucuses this month!
Your local caucus is a great opportunity to discuss issues that matter to you, including permanently protecting the Boundary Waters and Voyageurs watershed from toxic sulfide-ore copper mining. Together with your neighbors and friends, you can pass resolutions asking your party leaders and elected officials to make decisions that reflect these values and priorities. We're looking forward to helping answer any questions you may have about this process, and providing guidance on how to submit your resolution.