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Cultural Relief Funds Available April 1
Financial support is on the way. As closures, cancellations, and loss of work due to COVID-19 impact the King County cultural sector, we have details to share about our Cultural Relief Fund, which will distribute $1 million over the coming months:
For Individuals
  • The first round of funding will be distributed beginning April 1 through May 15. Apply at any time within that time frame. Applications will be reviewed by a panel weekly and we will notify you within 10 business days about the status of your application. 
  • You'll apply through a simple application that will take about 15 minutes to complete. 
  • You can apply for up to $2,000 to help alleviate financial hardship from the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus or to mobilize a creative response that will support other King County residents in this time of crisis.
For Organizations
  • The first round of funding will be distributed beginning April 1 through May 15. Apply at any time within that time frame. Applications will be reviewed by a panel weekly and we will notify you within 10 business days about the status of your application. 
  • You will need a 4Culture account to apply. Once you’ve pulled together your materials, the simplified application will take about 30 minutes to complete. 
  • Grants up to $5,000 can help cover unexpected costs or losses related to the COVID-19 virus.
Translation and Assistance
  • If you anticipate a barrier to your participation due to limited English writing ability, visual impairment, or would like to request assistance to access this application, please contact us at, 206-296-7580, or TTY 711.
  • Si usted cree que pueda tener un obstáculo para participar debido a su capacidad limitada de escritura en inglés, discapacidad visual o si desea solicitar asistencia para acceder a esta aplicación, contáctenos en, en el (206) 296-7580 o TTY 711.
  • 如需要英语阅读写作协助、因视力障碍或任何残疾而需协助填写或其他说明材料、或需要其他关于申请表格的协助服务,请通过电话(206 296 7580 或 TTY 711)或电邮(与我们联系。
More COVID-19 Resources
  • We're updating our response to applicants, grant recipients, and commissioned artists along with a list of resources for the cultural sector daily. 
  • Many of our deadlines have been extended or postponed. If you're working on an application, check here for updated information.
  • 4Culture staff are working remotely, but still here for you! We're available by phone or email. Not sure who to reach out to? Start with, 206-296-7580, or TTY: 711.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility during this time. We will announce all updates on our website, via email, and on social media channels. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
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