Trump's daily coronavirus briefing is about to start. To protect the public and countless lives during this pandemic, news organizations should not air it live!
Last night, MSNBC's Chris Hayes refused to air audio from Trump's coronavirus briefing, saying, "[Trump] went out today and said things that are flat out wrong, that are lies, and more than that are dangerous...Frankly, the president has become a kind of, well, he is a genuine threat to public health."
Seattle's NPR station is refusing to air Trump briefings live.
Watch the video. Then, sign the petition: Stop broadcasting Trump’s dangerous coronavirus lies live!
Thousands of people are flooding broadcast news directors with Tweets about this issue. After you sign, we'll give you a Tweet YOU TOO can use to speak directly to them. -- The PCCC Team
Vox’s Matthew Yglesias is urging TV stations and cable news networks, "For the sake of public health, journalistic integrity, and the public’s basic mental health, it’s time to stop broadcasting President Donald Trump’s daily 'coronavirus task force' briefings live."
He’s right. TV networks need to feel pressure now -- sign here.
Trump's daily coronavirus briefings have replaced his rallies as spigots for outright lies, racism, and blatant misinformation which has already resulted directly in people dying. And his polling has gone up 23 points in just one week because his happy-talk lies are covered live and then discussed for hours.
Trump announced that a malaria medication had been rapidly "approved" to treat coronavirus, though the FDA hadn't approved any medication for it. A healthy couple self-medicated using a fish tank additive that has the same active ingredient as the anti-malaria drug promoted by Trump -- one died, the other is in intensive care.
There's no reason for any legitimate TV network to keep covering these daily briefings live.
After you sign, you’ll also be able to Tweet this message directly to the news directors at these outlets.
Chris Cuomo warned last night: "This president says he wants to re-open the economy in a little over two weeks from now. That's almost the exact time that experts and projections show the worst crush of extreme cases hitting the financial capital of the country."
CNN reports "Trump made 33 false claims about the coronavirus crisis in the first two weeks of March."
Thousands of Americans rushed home from other countries and unnecessarily stood side-by-side in long lines when Trump falsely said they would be trapped abroad. That was wrong, but it was covered live and heard by millions.
Yglesias points out: "When a person turns on the television and sees the president of the United States giving inaccurately optimistic assessments of the progress of testing, vaccine research, and treatment it encourages people to be less careful with their hand-washing and social distancing than they otherwise might be. That costs lives."
Trump's daily briefings have turned into a torrent of lies and misinformation. Trump is not about to stop lying. It's up to the networks to take responsibility, and STOP covering his propaganda.
After you sign, Tweet directly to the news directors at these outlets. We’ll give you everything you need, including a sample Tweet.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team
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