As You Sow remains committed during these turbulent times |

Making Our Vision a Reality in a Time of Crisis
As the nation’s non-profit leader in shareholder advocacy, our work to create a safe, just, and sustainable world continues in new ways. While our staff and millions of people around the world shelter-in-place, factories are shuttered, planes sit idle, and cars are off the roads; there is no doubt that this economic halt from the coronavirus pandemic is incredibly painful and this
uncertainty will last for months, if not longer. The human and emotional toll will go on even longer especially for people who have lost colleagues and loved ones.
At As You Sow, we put environmental health, social justice, and human rights at the CENTER of corporate decision-making. As this crisis redefines our priorities and values we will continue to shine a bright light on what is possible. We will continue to discourage practices that are unsustainable, unethical, or dangerous. Moreover, we will continue to drive corporate change that benefits ALL stakeholders including employees, customers, communities, workers in the supply chain, and shareholders as the economy shifts for all of us.
Our brand of advocacy, “seeding” innovation and sustainable solutions continues. We will alter our tactics slightly as we, like all of you, practice the new normal of social distancing. Meanwhile, nature continues and within days of these economic disruptions the water in the canals of Venice cleared up and cities around the world were reporting the best air quality in decades. We are mindful that the coronavirus is not the only crisis we face; climate change, ocean plastics, toxic food supplies and injustice are still there — improved marginally — by the stoppage of human activity.
This moment of crisis demonstrates the failure of our economic system and the intolerable fact that large segments of working people live so close to the economic edge. It also offers an opportunity to build a safe, just, and sustainable future.
In this time of turbulence our work of holding corporations accountable to these goals will not stop, but will shift to our digital commons.
- Our direct dialogues with corporate executives will continue over Zoom;
- We will attend virtual Annual Meetings to move our resolutions;
- Our scorecards, reports, and original research will continue as we hold webinars and make them available at;
- Our Invest Your Values suite of tools will continue to be refreshed with Morningstar data every month and will have new upgraded functionality added as planned.
Times of chaos can also be times of bold transition; seemingly impossible ideas can suddenly become possible. The future will be determined by those willing to fight harder now than ever for justice and a regenerative economy. As You Sow will continue our nearly 30 years of work developing and supporting innovative ideas to compel big companies to make big changes to support people and planet — now more than ever we need business leaders to share our vision and make it a reality.
In times of crisis, together we can hold a vision of a future that works for all, and use this time of transition to make it a reality.
We thank you and wish you safety and strength.
Andrew Behar and As You Sow Team
As You Sow
2150 Kittredge St
Suite 450
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mailing address:
Main Post Office
PO Box 751
Berkeley, CA 94701
DISCLAIMER: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. The content of our programming, publications and presentations is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as information sufficient upon which to base any decisions on investing, purchases, sales, trades, or any other investment transactions. We do not express an opinion on the future or expected value of any security or other interest and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind.
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