Dear Partners,

Please join us this Friday, 3/27 at 2pm ET for a webinar on State Health Coverage Strategies for COVID-19. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many state-level policy options that can help to address our communities’ needs. While awaiting additional federal support, many governors, state legislators, Medicaid agencies, and state insurance regulators are already leveraging states’ existing authorities to expand health coverage and improve access to care.

To learn more about these state health coverage options and opportunities for advocacy:

In addition, the federal policy response to COVID-19 is changing quickly. Early this morning the Senate struck a deal to move forward its latest economic relief package and a vote is possible later today. The package will include health care and economic provisions that will shape how states continue to address this crisis, including $150B in state fiscal relief, which was a key priority for many Medicaid advocates, including the over 200 organizations who joined this sign-on letter to Congress.

We hope you can join us on Friday for this important discussion!

To your health, 

Raven Gomez,
Partnerships Coordinator 

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