Dear John,

The CPUSA National Convention, our party’s highest decision-making body, will meet June 7-9 in Chicago—the culmination of a process of evaluation, deliberation, and consultation undertaken by the entire party in the months leading up to the Convention. Welcome to working-class democracy in action!

As part of that process, the National Committee is asking all CPUSA members to contribute a special Convention assessment of $20, in addition to regular yearly dues. Assessments are due February 25. Please take the time now to pay your assessment.

Why is the assessment important? First, collection of assessments allows the party to gauge the size of its active membership, both as a whole and by district, as we enter the Convention period. Those figures become the basis for determining how many delegates each district will send to the National Convention.

Beyond its immediate importance, the Convention assessment also reflects our party’s collective, working class approach to struggle. The $20 payment is each member’s material contribution to the Convention process, just as the ideas and experience we share in pre-Convention discussion contribute to the theoretical work.

How assessments are collected will vary from district to district, so look for guidance from your district leadership on whether you should pay online using this link or make your payment to your club or district.  Assessments are due by February 25. If you are unable to pay the full Convention assessment, please inform your club or district. 

All in for the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA!  

In solidarity,

Rossana and Joe


Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

Communist Party USA. Some rights reserved.

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