The South Africa-Hamas-Iran Axis
by Robert Williams • February 15, 2024 at 5:00 am
According to NGO Monitor, South Africa's case at the ICJ is built on reports from groups with links to terrorist organizations. "South Africa's submission to the court contains no fewer than 45 references to NGO publications, including several from outfits linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a terrorist organization." — Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2024.
"The South African government is the same thing as Hamas. It's an Iranian proxy, and its role in the war is to fight the ideological and ideas war to stigmatize Jews around the world." — Dr. Frans Cronje, former CEO of the South African Institute for Race Relations,, January 26, 2024.
While the ICJ refused to throw out the case against Israel and is likely to spend the next many years deliberating on Israel's purported and imaginary "genocide," John Spencer, who is both chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point and a retired US military officer, argued that Israel minimizes civilian casualties more than any military in history, and listed numerous examples of the lengths that the IDF goes to in order to protect civilians, such as warning before launching military strikes.
"Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war.... No military in modern history has faced over 30,000 urban defenders in more than seven cities using human shields and hiding in hundreds of miles of underground networks purposely built under civilian sites, while holding hundreds of hostages... The sole reason for civilian deaths in Gaza is Hamas. For Israel's part, it's taken more care to prevent them than any other army in human history." — John Spencer Newsweek, January 31, 2024.
Action is reportedly being taken to bring Iran before the International Court of Justice on charges of Genocide. The move is long overdue.

Sometime after October 2015, Hamas, following a high-level meeting between South Africa's governing party ANC and Hamas leaders, opened an office in South Africa.
ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe said at the time that Hamas was going to "learn a lot" from the South African government.
"We are discussing whether Hamas should not open up offices in South Africa so that we can talk," Mantashe said, adding that the opening of the office was partly to "improve communication" between the ANC and Hamas.... It requires stepping out of our solidarity and stepping up the struggle of Palestine itself."
South Africa "stepped up the struggle" for Hamas recently when it took upon itself to wage lawfare on behalf of Hamas and accuse Israel of "committing genocide" at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). According to NGO Monitor, South Africa's case at the ICJ is built on reports from groups with links to terrorist organizations.