Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom.


“Rather than focusing on how bad it is, focus on how you can use this time to connect with your future customers. This is also a good time to clean up all the little messes every small business has. Everyone has things they wish they could re-do.”

- Mark Cuban, Entrepreneur & Investor



Stranded Students' ACT/SAT Online Alternative

Among the many uncertainties created by the coronavirus pandemic is the question of what to do about the standardized tests for college applications that many high school juniors take this time of year. While many states have waived their own required testing requirements, parents and students have been left in limbo with regard to what will be necessary for college admissions this cycle. But there is a standardized test that is ready and willing to fill the need of stranded high schoolers: the Classic Learning Test. It's a start-up testing company that has offered its classical curriculum-based exam as an alternative to the SAT and ACT for more than four years

COVID-19: Changing Minds on Gun Ownership

COVID-19 is already changing people’s habits. Among them: Americans are beginning to have a greater appreciation for gun rights and gun ownership. They are gaining a clearer understanding of why it’s essential to have the means of defending oneself when the police aren’t around.



The Affordable Care Act Turns 10

With the coronavirus, a new Supreme Court case, and an intense election debate, the Affordable Care Act is facing several new challenges a decade after it was signed into law.

Can you identify which of the following statements is not true?

A:  The ACA resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of people with health insurance, mostly by expanding private health insurance.
B:  The ACA caused health insurance premiums and deductibles in the individual market to skyrocket.
C:  The ACA caused health insurance plans to narrow their networks, in other words, to restrict which hospitals and providers were available to people with ACA coverage.



Heroes of Our Time: Healthcare Workers Suit Up

Doctors and nurses are the heroes of this time. While the rest of us telecommute, they head to work, knowing there is a high probability they will care for someone who has the coronavirus. While we try to follow the CDC’s guidelines to “avoid close contact with people who are sick” and to “put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community,” healthcare providers are called on to do the opposite.
Rep. Andy Biggs Talks Coronavirus and Freedom for Families Act



Democrats Cram Grab Bag in Coronavirus Counterproposal

Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrats choose pork over people in their coronavirus counterproposal bill. In the 1,000+ page behemoth of a bill is a liberal wish list that has nothing to do with giving Americans the relief they need right now. The original bill—negotiated by Republicans and Democrats—was narrowly focused to provide direct relief to businesses and individuals during the COVID-19 crisis. Yet, pressured by the left wing of her party and remembering the mantra to never let a crisis go to waste, Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues scrapped that bill and the good will and bipartisanship that went with it. 


These 15 Mall Stores Will Pay Workers During Coronavirus Closures

Many retailers are offering to keep a paycheck in their workers' hands despite their COVID-19 related store closures. It's a heartening sign when employers who temporarily shut down operations are willing to keep their workers and continue paying them. That ensures that these workers can continue to pay for their rent or mortgage, feed their families, stay on top of bills, and not worry about looking for work after stores reopen. 

Millennials And Gen Z: You Must Protect Yourselves From Coronavirus, Too

Millennials and Gen Z, take note: Coronavirus is more dangerous for your health than previously thought. A new report issued by the CDC found that one out of five patients who were sick enough to require hospitalization for COVID-19 fell between the ages of 20 and 44 years. Even more alarming, this age group accounted for 12% of all ICU admissions.

COVID-19 Government Paid Leave Mandate Complicates Individual Problem Solving

It makes sense for the government to step in during an emergency, like the COVID-19 crisis, in which so many employees are prevented from working. But the new paid sick leave mandate also exemplifies how one-size-fits-all government solutions short-circuit individual problem solving.  