Hey John. Will you be my Valentine?
Today is Valentine's Day, a day set aside to reflect on and appreciate those things that we hold dear to our hearts; the people, places, and memories that we love. I hope that you are able to spend today with people you cherish.
Remember, the best way to say I love you is to make a donation to your favorite candidate.
Click below give the most appreciated -- and tax deductible -- gift of love this Valentine's Day!
Joking aside, today also marks the beginning of Lent, a 40 day season dedicated to self-reflection and improvement that is usually celebrated by giving up something, whether hobby or habit, that you love for those 40 days.
It is an interesting combination, and it has given me pause as I think about the things I love and what among those things I would be willing to let go. At the end of the day, I think my answers are the same as yours. At least, I hope so.
I love my wife. Without her there would be no me.
I love my daughters. Without them I would not worry about our future.
I love my country. Without it I would not have the opportunity to reach my full potential or the chance to help others reach theirs.
Obviously, there are so many more things on the list: puppies, kittens, flowers, birds, the color of the sky after it rains, or the sight of the sun dipping into the ocean. Love is easy.
The hard part is giving something up. What on that list can I do away with for a meager 40 days, much less a lifetime?
Oddly enough, I am giving up something that is not on the list of love, but is still a part of me -- I am giving up on hatred.
I hate the fact that I consider my neighbors and friends enemies because they disagree with me. I hate the fact that our country has become so hyper-partisan that a football game becomes a political statement. The list of things I hate goes on for at least as long as the things I love, but it starts with I hate the idea that we, as Americans, can't talk to each other.
So, I'm not going to believe it anymore, and I challenge you to do the same. At least for the next 40 days.
Thursday, Feb 15, 6:30pm - Dawson Democrats Social; NOFO Brewery, 6150 GA-400 Suite A/B, Cumming, GA 30028
Saturday, Feb 17, 10:00am - Cherokee Democrats Breakfast, IHOP, Northside Parkway
Tuesday, Feb 20 and 27, 6:00pm - Beer with Bob, TikTok
Sunday, Feb 25, Live Facebook Town Hall With Bob
Join me to talk about the issues you're voting on this season.