
Each year, Valentine’s Day marks Polaris’s founding in 2002.

And each year, we grow more grateful for your heartfelt choice to continue standing with survivors.

You’re part of a powerful community. More than 29,000 have taken our Human Trafficking 101 training and educated their networks. Another 1,400+ have signed letters demanding that Congress listen to survivors. And over 2,400 have given generously to support vital programs — including the newly launched Polaris Resilience Fund, providing cash assistance directly to survivors.

Today also reminds us that there is much more to do. Traffickers groom vulnerable people with the promise of love, while isolating them from their loved ones. For those at risk of being trafficked and those who have left situations of trafficking, community is essential.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for coming alongside survivors and being part of this community with us. Together, we can support freedom for everyone.

In solidarity,
Megan Lundstrom, Polaris
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Copyright © 2024 Polaris is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 65323, Washington, D.C. 20035


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