March 25, 2020
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Photo: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Ed Eder

We couldn’t agree more with John Fitzpatrick, Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and his recent message…birds are a beacon of hope! While we are all doing our part to battle coronavirus we can stay connected through resources featured on the ASNV website as well as many of our partners and affiliates.

If you’re a teacher or home schooling your kids for the first time, you can sign up for FREE science and nature ideas here.

Want to learn more about native plants? Visit our Audubon at Home program and take the healthy yard pledge.

Tired of watching TV? Binge watch Peregrine Falcons on the DGIF building in Richmond. 

Be sure to follow us on social media. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @audubonva.

Stay safe and well!

-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

PS - Enjoy this delightful photo of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet taken by our good friend, naturalist and citizen scientist Ed Eder.

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