From Senate Update <[email protected]>
Subject Fact check
Date February 14, 2024 12:05 AM
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FACT: Democrats are defending 23 Senate seats in November — and losing just 2 would hand Mitch McConnell the Senate majority.

FACT: The newest polling has our Democratic candidates statistically TIED in swing states like Ohio, Nevada, and Montana.

FACT: Republicans just reserved $50 million in TV advertising in Montana, with even more sure to come.

FACT: Mitch McConnell says the GOP is prepared to get “involved in every general election” where Republicans have a legitimate shot at winning — and the only thing standing in their way are Democrats like you.

FACT: Reaching our $100,000 mid-quarter fundraising goal this Thursday would make a huge difference in our fight to save the Senate. Rush a donation of whatever you can so we have the resources to defend our great Democratic candidates from Republican attacks. Every dollar matters: [[link removed]?]

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Thanks for stepping up today.

— Defend the Senate
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