Republicans are celebrating a significant win during the 2024 legislative session. Thanks to the support and advocacy of people like you, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
Shift Washington

We have exciting news about a recent development from Olympia that directly impacts families across our state.

State Senate Republicans are celebrating a significant win during the 2024 legislative session. Thanks to the support and advocacy of people like you, we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Senate Bill 5770, the Democrats' attempt to jam through a massive property tax increase – which would also have raised rents – has officially been declared dead for this legislative session.

Olympia Democrats were forced to withdraw the bill after the public learned about their attempt to jack up property taxes up to three times the current rate. Your voices were heard loud and clear, and lawmakers received an overwhelming response from constituents who opposed the bill.

The blowback was so intense that, by the end of last week, a handful of Democrats who initially sponsored the bill rushed to remove their names from it. The fate of the Democrats’ latest tax hike attempt highlights the critical importance of organizations like Shift WA in keeping the public informed about what truly goes on in Olympia.

But our work depends on the generous support of people like you. To continue keeping you informed about what’s really going on in your own backyard, we need your support. Please consider contributing $100, $50, or even $10 to help us in our efforts.

Shift WA thinks it’s worth celebrating this victory while still closely monitoring the latest legislative deadline – today – to see which bills pass at least one chamber and are still alive. Rest assured, we will continue to keep you informed about the bills – both good and bad – that matter most to you and our state.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team