"It only took literally everyone in the entire state telling him that he was being a monster," said one political scientist, "for him to do the absolute easiest thing and feed hungry kids."
Demonstrators turned out from Cardiff to Tel Aviv as Palestinians in the Gaza city endured heavy Israeli bombing while bracing for an all-out ground invasion.
"Our lawsuit is another stand for the Gulf ecosystem, its nearby communities, and all wildlife that continue to suffer at the hands of Big Oil," said Friends of the Earth's legal director.
"Big PhRMA is so desperate to stop the Biden administration from lowering drug costs for seniors that they’re clogging the judicial system with spam lawsuits even in courtrooms they have no jurisdiction in."
A strong, accessible media system that serves the public interest will ultimately require significant public funding. Along with libraries, schools and research universities, journalism is an essential part of a democracy’s critical information infrastructure.
After the Chamber of Commerce successfully challenged one version of a disclosure regulation in court, the commission should come back with a revised, stronger proposal.