Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Trans Cheaters
Nothing infuriates people more than when a team or an athlete cheats in a sports contest. When we learn that an athlete set records while taking steroids, we’re angry that he cheated and made a mockery of everyone who played by the rules.
One infamous example occurred during the gold medal basketball game between the Soviet Union and the United States at the 1972 Olympics. Even the referees were in on the fix!
Well, there’s a lot of cheating happening now. Incredibly, the cheaters insist they are doing it in the name of civil rights.
Boys claiming they are girls are smashing female competitors in various sports. It’s happening all over the country. It’s completely unfair and must be stopped.
Here’s the latest example.
In New Hampshire, a boy pretending to be a girl just won the state high jump championship. He won with a jump of 5 feet 1 inch, shattering the girls’ record.
If he had competed against other boys, he would have failed miserably. The highest boys’ jump was 6 feet 2 inches, and the lowest boys’ jump was 5 feet 8 inches.
It’s disgusting that athletic associations and schools are allowing this to happen. They are cowards. But where are the parents?
The parents of that boy should be ashamed of themselves for allowing him to steal from the girls in the high jump competition. And where are the parents of the female competitors? They ought to be filing lawsuits.
If you won’t fight for your own children, who and what will you fight for?
This is not a controversial issue. Nor is it a minor issue.
The American people are overwhelmingly against boys and men competing in women’s sports. This isn’t bigotry. It’s biology. Normal Americans who oppose this insanity aren’t haters. They just want common sense to prevail.
But the radical left insists that science must bend to its extreme ideology. The left insists that you must lie by calling a man a “woman.” And the left insists that you must embrace obvious cheating.
That’s totalitarianism. That’s today’s Democrat Party.
Release The Tapes
Since Joe Biden’s angry defense of his mental state last week, we have asked for the release of his interview with the special counsel so the public can make its own judgment as to whether Biden’s mental faculties are as bad as the special counsel described. You could also just turn on the TV and see for yourself.
But top Republicans in Congress are also calling for the interview to be released. They want to know whether the special counsel pressed Biden on why he kept these particular documents hidden all these years.
Why is that important? It has been suggested that some of these documents involved countries where the Biden family ended up doing a lot of business.
For example, according to the special counsel’s report, Biden kept a “confidential” memo from September 2014 on “U.S. Energy Assistance to Ukraine.”
That just happens to be the same year Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, a major Ukrainian energy company. And we know Hunter had access to these documents.
It’s possible, if not likely, that the elaborate coverup of these documents is linked to the Biden family’s corruption and the wealth they amassed by securing contracts with foreign nations, including communist China. (See next item.)
Biden & TikTok
In past reports, I have warned parents to get their kids off of TikTok. Not only is the platform full of leftist propaganda, but we are learning more about the harmful effects of social media on children and teenagers.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently apologized during Senate testimony to parents whose children have suffered from social media.
Even worse, TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, which means it is controlled by the communist regime in Beijing. And we know TikTok is gathering vast amounts of personal data from every device, and that our data is accessible in communist China.
For these reasons and more, the FBI labeled TikTok a national security threat, and the Biden Administration banned TikTok from government devices.
Well, guess who just joined TikTok? Joe Biden.
Who cares about national security when the left’s power is at stake?
Fighting For Border Security
Last week, House Republicans failed to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for his role in the border crisis. Speaker Mike Johnson is keeping his promise to try again.
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) is back in Washington, presumably giving the GOP enough votes to get it done this evening or later in the week.
I know some think this is a pointless exercise, doomed to fail in the Senate. I disagree.
Our country is being invaded. Our sovereignty is being violated. Our immigration laws are not being enforced.
Something must be done to focus the public’s attention on this crisis and the irresponsible actions of the Biden administration. Someone must be held accountable.
We can start with Alejandro Mayorkas, who lied every time he said the border was secure and who smeared innocent Border Patrol agents as vile racists.
Missing The Mark
I want to elaborate more on why I thought the He Gets Us Super Bowl ad missed the mark. Let me give you a couple of examples as to why the messaging appeared to be leftist propaganda dressed up in Christianity.
Yesterday, I noted the image of a police officer washing the feet of an inner-city resident. If the ad’s message is about fighting hate, a more appropriate example, in my view, would have been an inner-city resident washing the police officer’s feet, instead of the hate that is so often directed at those on the Thin Blue Line.
Another obvious example involves the image of pro-life activists outside an abortion clinic while one washes the feet of a woman who is either going into or just came out of the abortion clinic.
Presumably, the message is: don’t hate women who have abortions. Christians don’t hate women who are experiencing crisis pregnancies. That’s why we try to prevent them from being exploited by the abortion industry and why we support pregnancy resource centers.
But there is a lot of hatred and violence around the life issue, and it is coming from the pro-abortion side, especially since Roe v. Wade was overturned. There have been hundreds of attacks on pro-life centers and churches as a result of the left’s hate.
So, if you want to address hate surrounding the life issue, a more accurate ad would have featured a pro-abortion woman washing the feet of a pro-life woman. Or, better yet, washing the feet of a baby, since they are the ones who die in every abortion.
I am not sure who the ad was aimed at. Maybe the sponsors thought they were showing people who aren’t Christians that Jesus is about love and He loves them.
I think it’s just as likely that the ad was aimed at telling Christians they are wrong to oppose the LGBTQ movement, the pro-abortion movement and the misnamed social justice movement.
Christ would not be upset that Christians are trying to prevent abortions or trying to protect their children from graphic sexual material in school and from unproven, irreversible medical experiments. He wants us to protect the children He gave us, all of whom are made in His image.
Was the ad meant to tell people with sexually immoral lifestyles, those who are aborting their babies, or those who are illegally entering our country that Jesus loves them?
Every Christian I know believes that Christ loves those individuals, as He loves us all. But He also tells us all to “Go and sin no more.” God does “hate” sin.
Regardless, I can think of much better ways to spend $7 million or more.
I have been asked, “Maybe the ad wasn’t perfect, Gary, but what would you have done?”
Something like this. #HeSavesUs.
