Members of Congress are currently allowed to invest in military contractors — even when they have insider information and even as they prop up those same companies with billions upon billions of our taxpayer dollars.

“How can that even be legal?”

Good question. It’s one more example of just how deep the rot goes in the military-industrial-politics complex.

But new legislation — if we can get it passed — would end this corrupt and disgraceful war profiteering by members of Congress.

The Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act — introduced last week by Rep. Rashida Tlaib and co-sponsored by Rep. Cori Bush — would prohibit Members of Congress (along with their spouses and children) from owning stock in military corporations and from having financial interests in companies that do business with the Department of Defense.

Does letting members of Congress own stock in military corporations encourage them to funnel more and more and more of our taxpayer dollars to the Pentagon? That question pretty much answers itself.

Tell Congress:

It is shameful and wrong that members of Congress are allowed to profit from sending ever more taxpayer dollars to the Pentagon and to weapons manufacturers. Pass the Stop Politicians Profiting from War Act without delay.

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For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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