Biden is done, Putin interview fallout, more FBI failures, and the return of zombie banks...


Vladimir Putin said Russia’s war with Ukraine could be “over within a few weeks” if the United States stopped supplying weapons. Until that happens, however, the Russian leader vowed to continue fighting, bluntly telling Tucker Carlson, “We haven’t achieved our aims yet.”

The war, which began in 2014 and escalated with Russia’s invasion in 2022, is currently at a stalemate despite more than $113 billion in U.S. funding and additional aid to Ukraine from its European neighbors. An estimated 500,000 people have died or been injured since 2022, according to news reports.



The Return of the Zombie Banks

In a case of life imitating fiction, we have the case of Signature Bank and New York Community Bank (“NYCB”). Signature Bank turned into a zombie bank by becoming seriously insolvent. Predictably, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve rode to the rescue on their white horses and protected the depositors (including those whose deposits exceeded the $250,000 FDIC limit) by arranging for Signature Bank to be acquired by NYCB.

Unfortunately for NYCB, the zombie virus that infected Signature Bank has proven to be contagious, with the result that NYCB may be on its way to becoming a zombie bank itself. The stock of its parent, New York Community Bancorp, Inc., dropped like a safe falling out of a seventeen-story building in the last couple of weeks from about $11 down to as far as $3.60. The drop in stock price was so abrupt that the New York Stock Exchange circuit-breakers for that issue were triggered. Bad loans and higher reserve requirements appear to be the major culprits.

When Stalin Came to Casa Grande (Part 1)

Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal created the largest agricultural collective in the US as an experiment to test socialist theories about both farming and human nature. Collectives have a long history in the US and elsewhere, and they all failed.  In the Soviet model, this failure was admitted, and thus the collectivization required force, terror, and starvation to “convince” people to operate properly in the collective environment.  But even with massive brutal force and the full weight of the state, in the end, they could not make the idea work.  Most food production came from a small amount of privately owned plots that represented about 3% of the land under cultivation.

Why America’s Richest Universities Are Protecting Hate-Filled Foreign Students

Accommodating overseas elites by tolerating antisemitism on U.S. campuses is part of a scheme to turn loss-leader DEI categories into profit centers

Five weeks after Rutgers University suspended the New Brunswick campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on Dec. 11 for violating several university policies, the school reversed its decision and reinstated the pro-Hamas group. In celebration, SJP members filmed a video in the classic Palestinian terrorist style: faces covered in kaffiyehs, reading a communique which, following a diatribe against the Zionists, made a list of demands that the school must meet if it wished to wipe the stain of its complicity in genocide.




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