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 Liz Storer, Tenley Thomspon and  Mike Yin at the Wyoming Dems Annual Nellie Tayloe Ross Banquet in Cheyenne
250 Bills, 93 Legislators and 20 Days 
The 67th legislature is in session with a proverbial mountain of work ahead. This year is a budget session and bills related to that will be taken up first.   The Legislature will have more than a half-billion-dollar surplus to work with as it crafts the state’s next two-year budget. The Legislature’s Democrats are joining a growing bipartisan chorus to give Wyoming taxpayer money back to the people in the form of better services and tax relief where it’s needed in 2024, instead of hiding more away in permanent savings.

The Democratic Caucus will be focusing on Education and job training, improving healthcare access, property tax relief, voter transparency, and
protecting public lands and individual freedoms. We will be sending out legislative updates on a weekly basis and you can also follow Teton Dems on Facebook and Instagram. 
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
While by no means a comprehensive list, the following bills are of particular import. Click on the bill's link for more information or utilize the resources listed in the next section.  You can see a complete list of proposed legislation here. February 14 is the final day for filing. 

The Good: No surprise here: many of the "good bills" are sponsored by Democrats and focus on issues of particular concern to Wyoming's citizens.

HB0067 - Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trust Fund Administration-2

HB0076 - Reproductive Freedom Act

HB0103 - Property tax-assessment ratio for residential property

HB0112 - Real estate transfer tax to offset property tax

HJ0004 -Right of healthcare access - constitutional amendment

HJ0007 -Individual right to privacy-constitutional amendment

SF0019 - Developmental preschool funding

The Bad and The Ugly: Also no surprise that the preponderance of these have boilerplate text straight from a national organization and are sponsored by members of Wyoming Freedom Caucus. While some of the titles might seem innocuous, these bills are insidious and dangerous.

HB0050 - What is a Woman Act

HB0059 - Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination

HB0091 - Health mandates-CDC and WHO jurisdiction in Wyoming

HB0092 - Protection of parental rights

HB0123 - Mandatory immunizations-repeal

HB0124 - Vaccination for smallpox-repeal

HB0137 - Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement

HB0148 - Regulation of surgical abortions

SF0108 - Protecting water from chemical abortion waste

SJ0001 - Resolution demanding equal footing

Useful Resources
Rather than reinventing the proverbial wheel, here are links to a few organizations who are tracking legislation with a brief description of their focus. In addition,  KHOL, Wyoming Public Media and Wyofile each have several reporters in Cheyenne who will provide extensive coverage. 

Wyoming Women's Foundation Key Issues and Bills focus on bills that impact self-sufficiency of women and opportunities for girls
Wyoming Outdoor Council Conservation and Public Access
Wyoming Education Association Legislation impacting Education
ALL (And Let Live)  Coalition  Tracking bills that impact LGBTQ+ and gender diverse people
ACLU of Wyoming Individual Rights and Freedoms
Wyoming Equality  Legislation affecting LGBTQ+ and two-spirit Wyomingites
Wyoming League of Women Voters   Constitutional Issues, government accountability

You can also create a list of specific bills you would like to follow at BillTrack50.

If you know of other resources, please let us know: [email protected].
March 9th Fundraiser - Get Your Tickets! 

Teton Dems, Shelter JH and Voices JH are pleased to present a benefit performance of Stand-Up Comedy with Andrew Munz and Special Guests at the Pink Garter Theatre on Saturday, March 9th
7:00pm - Refreshments and Silent Auction  7:45pm - Brief Remarks by each organization  8:00pm - Andrew Munz and Special Guests take the stage! 
Tickets are $45 each and can be purchased here: 

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