
In the midst of a public health crisis, Trump and fellow Republican ideologues are stepping up their attacks on the Affordable Care Act.

Most Americans understand that while President Obama’s landmark healthcare law is far from perfect, it is one of the best pieces of healthcare legislation ever passed. In particular, its provision that covers Americans with pre-existing conditions is now more important than ever.

The fact that the Trump administration is still fighting to “terminate” the ACA is a sobering reminder of why, even when it’s difficult to focus on anything other than COVID-19, political activity is still extremely important. We need leaders who will protect our healthcare—such as all of the candidates we’ve endorsed this year—not ones who will try to take it away.

Will you make a donation to our Serve America Victory Fund to support our endorsed candidates in November?

All of our endorsees are fighting every day to protect Americans and will continue that work in Congress. They all understand that healthcare is a top priority for workers and for our families.

Thank you for your continued support.

Serve America