Medi-Cal Expansion and Health Care Access
Over the past decade, California has significantly expanded eligibility for the Medi-Cal program, most recently by allowing low-income residents to qualify regardless of immigration status. PPIC researchers have been examining what Medi-Cal expansion has meant for health care coverage and access in our state as well as some of the policy issues it raises moving forward.
In First-in-Nation State Law, All Low-Income Residents Qualify for Medi-Cal
Paulette Cha, Patricia Malagon
On January 1, California broadened Medi-Cal eligibility to include undocumented immigrants regardless of age, an expansion funded almost entirely with state dollars. What could this new policy mean for health care access in our state?
Medi-Cal Has Expanded Health Coverage in California
Shannon McConville, Shalini Mustala
The expansion of Medi-Cal has been a key driver of health coverage gains under the federal Affordable Care Act. Federal policy responses during the COVID-19 public health emergency also boosted Medi-Cal enrollment, though it has declined with the resumption last year of regular eligibility checks.
The Affordable Care Act Has Expanded Community Clinics in California
Shalini Mustala, Shannon McConville
Community clinics have long been a key health care provider for underserved and low-income Californians. With the state significantly expanding the Medi-Cal program under the federal Affordable Care Act, community clinics have become even more important in promoting access to care, especially for new enrollees.
Counties Are Key Partners in the Medi-Cal Program
Shannon McConville
County governments play an important role in administering Medi-Cal and organizing and delivering health services. We look at how counties' Medi-Cal responsibilities—as well as the resources available to carry them out—have shifted over the past decade.
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