Live Webinar: A Conversation with Paul Carrese about Schools of Civic Thought
How Civics Can Remedy Higher Education's Decline

Thursday, February 22 at 3:00 PM EST

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You're invited to a live webinar with Jack Miller Center President, Hans Zeiger, and Professor Paul Carrese about one of the most effective and innovative solutions to the higher education crisis: Schools of Civic Thought at Public Universities.
Live Webinar: A Conversation with Paul Carrese about Schools of Civic Thought
How Civics Can Remedy Higher Education's Decline

Thursday, February 22, 2024
3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Cost: Free
Location: Virtual Webinar


State legislatures around the country are stepping up to give civic education a permanent home on campus. We call them Schools of Civic Thought. These schools, centers, and colleges are state-funded, independently governed, and focused on high-level civic education in the liberal arts tradition.

While these schools have different curricula and academic specialties, they all share a common goal: to mold good, informed citizens. 

This national reform movement, launched by SCETL at Arizona State University, is quickly spreading around the country. New departments, colleges, and centers of civic thought and leadership have now been established in public universities in eight states — Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. 

Now, these programs are bringing an influx of new academic jobs to previously disappearing fields, re-introducing lost college courses, and improving K-12 civics education in their respective states. 

Join us on George Washington's birthday for a conversation with celebrated Washington Scholar and leader of the Schools of Civic Thought movement, Paul Carrese to discuss the future of this exciting movement, and how it all connects to our first president's call for strong civic education.
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About Paul Carrese
Paul O. Carrese is the Jack Miller Center Senior Fellow for Civic Thought and Leadership, a Professor in the School of Civic & Economic Thought and Leadership (SCETL) at Arizona State University, and SCETL's founding director from 2016-2023. He is author of The Cloaking of Power: Montesquieu, Blackstone, and the Rise of Judicial Activism, and co-editor of three other books – on George Washington, constitutionalism, and American grand strategy. 
Widely considered to be a pioneer of the movement to reform civics education at the college level, he is a sought-after adviser for a number of initiatives including the K-12 study Educating for American Democracy, the Civitas Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, and the Program on Public Discourse at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
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The Jack Miller Center is a nationwide network of scholars and teachers committed to educating the next generation about the core texts and ideas of the American political tradition. We aim to expand the pipeline of scholars dedicated to teaching America’s founding principles and history, to cultivate college campus centers for the study of the American political tradition, and to advance the teaching of American citizenship in K-12 schools centered around our history and foundational texts.

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