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What to emphasize in theological ed?

The last few weeks, the reflections and articles here in the Editors’ Picks emails have had a strong focus on seminaries and div schools. This is because our February issue is our annual theological education issue. We are just about at the finish line for these pieces, and we’ve saved some of the best for last: an essay highlighting how Yale professor Mary Clark Moschella uses narrative spiritual conversations in the classroom, and one from Vanderbilt educator Aaron Stauffer on the emergence of community organizing in seminary curricula and programs.

Though I don’t think she was writing about divinity school offerings, my favorite poet Bonnie Thurston has a new poem for CC called “Re-imagine.” In today’s video, Bonnie reads the piece and discusses its inspiration and theological themes.

Plus more great new content below, including Heidi Neumark’s moving essay about Lenten rebirth (for daffodils and us) and a fascinating book review about a 1960s Supreme Court case against four ministers.

Email me: What does Lent mean to you?

Jon Mathieu
[email protected]

Teaching ministry students to ask beautiful questions

“Narrative spiritual care is built on the assumption that humans are shaped by the stories we tell about ourselves and each other.”

by Mary Clark Moschella

The theologically trained organizer

“Seminaries’ shift to the topic of community organizing suggests a recognition that the dominant model of theological education is ill-suited for our time.”

by Aaron Stauffer

Bonnie Thurston reads and discusses “Re-imagine”

Jon chats with poet Bonnie Thurston about her recent poem for the magazine. They discuss human responsibility, God’s image, and John’s Revelation.


In the Lectionary for February 14 (Ash Wednesday)

How did my friend feel making a cross on my forehead, not knowing how long I’d be alive?

by Elizabeth Felicetti

In the Lectionary for February 18 (Lent 1B)

Does Jesus hide from the wild beasts? Hurl rocks at them? Mark doesn’t say.

by Elizabeth Felicetti

Ash Wednesday archives
Lent 1B archives
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The bones in God’s garden

“Lent means spring, but Lent is not the natural growing season, which comes as a great relief. Lent is not about how we naturally defy the odds to overcome trauma or foolishness or reap the rewards of following the instructions.”

by Heidi Neumark

The case that revolutionized libel law

“Alabama officials weaponized not just libel law but legal processes more broadly against southern civil rights leaders. Both major White newspapers in Montgomery published the pictures, names, and addresses of the jury, implicitly condoning intimidation to advance the cause of White supremacy.”

Chris Hammer reviews Samantha Barbas

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