Emerson College: Sherrod Brown Gears Up for Tight Re-election Campaign

Donald Trump’s handpicked candidate Bernie Moreno is surging in the latest poll. Help us defend Democrats like Sherrod Brown from the GOP’s attacks and Defend the Senate: Rush in $10 before Thursday’s mid-quarter deadline >>

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We’re seeing an alarming trend in Ohio’s Senate race: After Donald Trump threw his support behind millionaire Bernie Moreno, polls are TIGHTENING in this must-win race.

Just take a look at the difference before and after Trump’s endorsement:

November 2023 Poll (Pre-Trump Endorsement)
Sherrod Brown: 42% (+10)
Bernie Moreno: 32%

January 2024 Poll (Post-Trump Endorsement)
Sherrod Brown: 39% (+2)
Bernie Moreno: 37%

This race is going to be a nail-biter. Mitch McConnell named Ohio one of his top targets in November, so there’s going to be even more money and attacks flowing in to tear down Sherrod.

The only way we can defend our Senate majority is by helping our must-win candidates get over the finish line.

Will you rush in $10 to help us fight against Trump’s handpicked Senate candidates and save the Senate? Our first mid-quarter deadline is in 2 days, so every donation counts >>

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— Defend the Senate